B7 (MSB) |
R/W |
0 |
0 – to select charge range from 5 mA to 35 mA, ICHRG bits are 1-mA steps 1 – to select charge range from 40 mA to 300 mA, ICHRG bits are 10-mA steps
B6 |
R/W |
0 |
Charge current 16 mA or 160 mA |
B5 |
R/W |
0 |
Charge current 8 mA or 80 mA |
B4 |
R/W |
1 |
Charge current 4 mA or 40 mA |
B3 |
R/W |
0 |
Charge current 2 mA or 20 mA |
B2 |
R/W |
1 |
Charge current 1 mA or 10 mA |
B1 |
CE |
R/W |
0 |
0 – Charger enabled 1 – Charger is disabled |
B0 (LSB) |
R/W |
0 |
0 – Not high impedance mode 1 – High impedance mode |
ICHRG_RANGE and ICHRG bits are used to set the charge current. The ICHRG is calculated using the following equation: If ICHRG_RANGE is 0, then ICHRG = 5 mA + ICHRGCODE x 1 mA. If ICHRG_RANGE is 1, then ICHRG = 40 mA + ICHRGCODE x 10 mA. If a value greater than 35 mA (ICHRG_RANGE = 0) or 300 mA (ICHRG_RANGE = 1) is written, the setting goes to 35 mA or 300 mA respectively except if the ICHRG bits are all 1 (that is, 11111), then the externally programmed value is used. The PRETERM bits must also be set prior to writing all 1s to ensure the external ISET current is used as well as the proper termination and pre-charge values are used. For IPRETERM = 5%, set the IPRETERM bits to 000001, for IPRETERM = 10%, set the IPRETERM bits to 000010, for IPRETERM = 15%, set the IPRETERM bits to 000100, and for IPRETERM = 20%, set the iPRETERM bits to 001000. The default is programmed by the external resistor on ISET, or if not populated and tied to GND, by OTP. |