JAJSLQ0 November 2021 BQ25173
After a valid VIN is plugged in and the CE pin is pulled LOW, the device checks the resistor on the ISET pin for a short circuit (RISET < RISET_SHORT). If a short condition is detected, the charger remains in the FAULT state until the input or CE pin is toggled. If the ISET pin is open circuit, the charger proceeds through pin detection and starts the charger with no charge current. This pin is monitored during charging and changes in RISET while the charger is operating immediately translates to changes in charge current.
An external pulldown resistor (±1% or better recommended to minimize charge current error) from the ISET pin to GND sets the charge current as:
For charge currents below 50 mA, an extra RC circuit is recommended on the ISET pin to achieve a more stable current signal. For greater accuracy at lower currents, part of the current-sensing FET is disabled to give better resolution.