JAJSKU9B December 2022 – February 2024 BQ25628 , BQ25629
For the lowest battery leakage current, the host can shut down the BQ25628 and BQ25629 by setting the register bits BATFET_CTRL to 01. In this mode, the BATFET is turned off to prevent the battery from powering the system, the I2C is disabled and the charger is totally shut down. The BQ25628 and BQ25629 can only be woken up by plugging in an adapter. When the adapter is plugged in, the BQ25628 and BQ25629 start back up with all register settings in their POR default.
After the host sets BATFET_CTRL to 01, the BATFET turns off after waiting either 20 ms or 10 s as configured by BATFET_DLY register bit. Shutdown mode can only be entered when VVBUS < VVBUS_UVLO, regardless of the BATFET_CTRL_WVBUS setting, which has no effect on shutdown mode entry. If the host writes BATFET_CTRL = 01 with VVBUS > VVBUS_UVLOZ, the request is ignored and the BATFET_CTRL bits are set back to 00.
If the host writes BATFET_CTRL to 01 while boost OTG or bypass OTG is active, the BQ25628 and BQ25629 first exit from boost OTG by setting EN_OTG = 0 or exits from bypass OTG by setting EN_OTG = EN_BYPASS_OTG = 0 and then enters shutdown mode.
QON has no effect during shutdown mode. The internal pull-up on the QON pin is disabled during shutdown to prevent leakage through the pin.