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BQ41Z50 デバイスは、ダイナミック Z-Track™ テクノロジーが組み込まれ、完全に統合されたシングル チップでパック ベースのソリューションで、2、3、4 直列セルのリチウム イオン、リチウム ポリマ、LiFePO4 バッテリ パック用の残量計、保護、認証などの豊富な機能を備えています。
BQ41Z50 デバイスは、統合型の高性能アナログ ペリフェラルと超低消費電力の 32 ビット RISC プロセッサを使用して、使用可能なセルの容量、電圧、電流、温度、その他の重要なバッテリ パラメータを測定して正確な記録を保守し、SMBus v3.2 互換のインターフェイス経由でシステムのホスト コントローラに報告します。
部品番号 | パッケージ (1) | 本体サイズ (公称) |
BQ41Z50RSN | RSN (32) | 4.00mm × 4.00mm |
BQ41Z50 デバイスは、ダイナミック Z-Track™ テクノロジーを活用して、動的な負荷条件の下でも、充電状態を高精度で報告します。このテクノロジーにより、利用可能な最大電力と最大電流をホスト システムに供給して、TURBO モードの精度も向上します。
BQ41Z50 デバイスは、過電圧、過熱、放電時の過電流、充電時の過電流、放電保護時の短絡など、各種のバッテリ安全機能を備えています。システムの安全機能には、N-CH FET およびセル切断検出用の FET 保護が組み込まれています。デバイスのファームウェアには、過電圧、低電圧、過電流、短絡電流の過熱状態に対する、ソフトウェア ベースの 1 次および 2 次レベルの安全保護機能があります。パック関連やセル関連のフォルトも、ファームウェア ベースの保護によって処理されます。
BQ41Z50 の他の特長:
NAME | NO. | ||
SMBD | 1 | I/O | SMBus data pin |
SMBC | 2 | I/O | SMBus clock pin |
LEDCNTLA/GPIO4 | 3 | I/O | LED display segment that drives the external LEDs via an internal current sink depending on the firmware configuration. Alternatively, this pin is push-pull and can be configured as a general-purpose digital input with or without INT or general-purpose digital output pin. If this pin is not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
LEDCNTLB/GPIO5 | 4 | I/O | LED display segment that drives the external LEDs via an internal current sink depending on the firmware configuration. Alternatively, this pin is push-pull and can be configured as a general-purpose digital input with or without INT or general-purpose digital output pin. If this pin is not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
ALERT | 5 | O | Alert digital signal output from digital core to signal interrupt detection |
GPIO3 | 6 | I/O | Multifunction open drain pin, general-purpose digital input with or without INT, or general-purpose digital output |
PRES/SHUTDN | 7 | I | Host system present input for removable battery pack or emergency system shutdown input for embedded pack |
LEDCNTLC/GPIO6 | 8 | I/O | LED display segment that drives the external LEDs via an internal current sink depending on the firmware configuration. Alternatively, this pin is push-pull and can be configured as a general-purpose digital input with or without INT or general-purpose digital output pin. If this pin is not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
GPIO1 | 9 | I/O | Multifunction push-pull pin, general-purpose digital input with or without INT, or general-purpose digital output |
GPIO2 | 10 | I/O | Multifunction push-pull pin, general-purpose digital input with or without INT, general-purpose digital output, or PWM output |
VSS | 11 | P | Device ground |
FUSE | 12 | I/O | Fuse sense input or drive output pin. If not used, connect directly to VSS. |
PCHG | 13 | O | PMOS Precharge FET drive output pin. If not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
VCC | 14 | P | Secondary power supply input |
PACK | 15 | AI | Pack sense input pin |
DSG | 16 | O | NMOS Discharge FET drive output pin, If not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
CHG | 17 | O | NMOS Charge FET drive output pin, If not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |
BAT | 18 | P | Primary power supply input pin |
VC4 | 19 | AI | Sense voltage input pin for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack |
VC3 | 20 | AI | Sense voltage input pin for the third cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the third cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack |
VC2 | 21 | AI | Sense voltage input pin for the second cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the second cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the third cell from the bottom of the stack |
VC1 | 22 | AI | Sense voltage input pin for the first cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the first cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the second cell from the bottom of the stack |
VC0 | 23 | AI | Sense voltage input pin for the negative terminal of the first cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the first cell from the bottom of the stack |
SRP | 24 | AI | Analog input pin connected to the internal coulomb counter peripheral for integrating a small voltage between SRP and SRN, where SRP is the top of the sense resistor. A charging current generates a positive voltage at SRP relative to SRN. |
SRN | 25 | AI | Analog input pin connected to the internal coulomb counter peripheral for integrating a small voltage between SRP and SRN, where SRN is the bottom of the sense resistor. A charging current generates a positive voltage at SRP relative to SRN. |
TS1 | 26 | AI | Temperature sensor 1 thermistor input pin. Connect to a thermistor. If not used, connect directly to VSS and configure data flash accordingly. |
TS2 | 27 | AI | Temperature sensor 2 thermistor input pin. Connect to a thermistor. If not used, connect directly to VSS and configure data flash accordingly. |
TS3 | 28 | AI | Temperature sensor 3 thermistor input pin. Connect to a thermistor. If not used, connect directly to VSS and configure data flash accordingly. |
TS4 | 29 | AI | Temperature sensor 4 thermistor input pin. Connect to a thermistor. If not used, connect directly to VSS and configure data flash accordingly. |
REG18 | 30 | P | Internal regulator output. Requires CREG18 to be connected to VSS. |
REG135 | 31 | P | MCU power supply. Requires CREG135 to be connected to VSS. |
DISP/GPIO7 | 32 | I/O | Display control for LEDs. Alternatively, this pin is push-pull and can be configured as a general-purpose digital input with or without INT or general-purpose digital output pin. If this pin is not used, it can be left floating or connected to VSS through a 20kΩ resistor. |