To receive notification of documentation updates — including silicon errata — go to the CC3135MOD product folder on, and click the Alert me button in the upper-right corner. This registers you to receive a weekly digest of updated product information (if any). For change details, check the revision history of any revised document. The current documentation which describes the processor, related peripherals, and other technical collateral follows. The following documents provide support for the CC3135MOD module.
Application Reports
User's Guides
UniFlash SimpleLink™ CC31xx/32xx Wi-Fi® and IoC™ Solution ImageCreator and ProThis document describes the installation, operation, and usage of the SimpleLink ImageCreator tool as part of the UniFlash.
SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® and Internet-of-Things CC31xx and CC32xx Network ProcessorThis document provides software (SW) programmers with all of the required knowledge for working with the networking subsystem of the SimpleLink Wi-Fi devices. This guide provides basic guidelines for writing robust, optimized networking host applications, and describes the capabilities of the networking subsystem. The guide contains some example code snapshots, to give users an idea of how to work with the host driver. More comprehensive code examples can be found in the formal software development kit (SDK). This guide does not provide a detailed description of the host driver APIs.
SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3135 and CC3235 Provisioning for Mobile ApplicationsThis guide describes TI’s SimpleLink Wi-Fi provisioning solution for mobile applications, specifically on the usage of the
Android™ and
IOS® building blocks for UI requirements, networking, and provisioning APIs required for building the mobile application.
SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® and Internet-on-a chip™ CC3135 and CC3235 Solution Radio ToolThe Radio Tool serves as a control panel for direct access to the radio, and can be used for both the radio frequency (RF) evaluation and for certification purposes. This guide describes how to have the tool work seamlessly on Texas Instruments evaluation platforms such as the BoosterPack™ plus FTDI emulation board for CC3235 devices, and the LaunchPad™ for CC3235 devices.