7 Revision History
Changes from Revision C (April 2018) to Revision D (June 2024)
- ドキュメント全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- 上面図のピン配置図に PGND を追加Go
- Added Pin Configuration TableGo
Changes from Revision B (January 2018) to Revision C (April 2018)
- Corrected Figure 5-4 to show 40A maximumGo
Changes from Revision A (May 2017) to Revision B (January 2018)
- Updated the mechanical dataGo
Changes from Revision * (April 2017) to Revision A (May 2017)
- 回路例の図を更新Go
- Changed the copper thickness to 2oz in Typical Power Block Device
Characteristics conditionsGo
- Changed the copper thickness to 2oz in Safe Operating Area (SOA) Curve