Typical values at TA =
+25°C, minimum and maximum values over operating free-air temperature range, typical
supply voltages, fCLK = 10.24GHz, IFS_SWITCH = 20.5mA,
single tone amplitude = 0dBFS, Dither and DEM enabled, unless otherwise noted.

including Sin(x)/x response, PCB and cable loss
removed. |
Figure 6-8 Output Response vs Frequency
Includes PCB loss. External balun and cable loss
removed. |
Figure 6-10 Output Power vs Frequency (DES2X modes)
Figure 6-12 DNL
vs DAC Code: 5mA
Figure 6-14 INL
vs DAC Code: 5mA
Code = 64*COARSE_CUR_x + FINE_CUR_x, error relative to
linear end point fit |
Figure 6-16 IFS_SWITCH Error vs Gain Code
Code = 64*COARSE_CUR_x + FINE_CUR_x, error relative to
linear end point fit |
Figure 6-18 IFS_SWITCH Error Differential
Non-Linearity vs Gain Code
Includes PCB loss. External balun and cable loss
removed. |
Figure 6-9 Output Power vs Frequency (NRZ/RF modes)
Figure 6-11 DNL
vs DAC Code: 20.5mA
Figure 6-13 INL
vs DAC Code: 20.5mA
Code = 64*COARSE_CUR_x + FINE_CUR_x |
Figure 6-15 IFS_SWITCH vs Gain Code
Code = 64*COARSE_CUR_x + FINE_CUR_x, error relative to
linear end point fit |
Figure 6-17 IFS_SWITCH Error vs Gain Code