JAJSMH2A July 2021 – August 2021 DLPC1438
NAME | NO. | ||||
HWTEST_EN | C10 | I | 6 | Manufacturing test enable signal. Connect this signal directly to ground on the PCB for normal operation. | |
PARKZ | C13 | I | 6 | DMD fast park control (active low Input with a hysteresis buffer). This signal is used to quickly park the DMD when loss of power is imminent. The longest lifetime of the DMD may not be achieved with the fast park operation; therefore, this signal is intended to only be asserted when a normal park operation is unable to be completed. The PARKZ signal is typically provided from the DLPAxxxx interrupt output signal. | |
JTAGTCK | P12 | I | 6 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTDI | P13 | I | 6 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTDO1 | N13(1) | O | 1 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTDO2 | N12(1) | O | 1 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTMS1 | M13 | I | 6 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTMS2 | N11 | I | 6 | TI internal use. Leave this pin unconnected. | |
JTAGTRSTZ | P11 | I | 6 | TI internal
use. This pin must be tied to ground, through an external resistor for normal operation. Failure to tie this pin low during normal operation can cause start up and initialization problems.(2) | |
RESETZ | C11 | I | 6 | Power-on reset (active low input with a hysteresis buffer). Self-configuration starts when a low-to-high transition is detected on RESETZ. All controller power and clocks must be stable before this reset is de-asserted. No signals are in their active state while RESETZ is asserted. This pin is typically connected to the RESETZ pin of the DLPA200x or RESET_Z of the DLPA300X. | |
TSTPT_0 | R12 | I/O | 1 | Test pins (includes weak internal pulldown). Pins are
tri-stated while RESETZ is asserted low. Sampled as an input test
mode selection control approximately 1.5 µs after de-assertion of
RESETZ, and then driven as outputs.(2)(3) Normal use: reserved for test output. Leave open for normal use. Note: An external pullup may put the DLPC1438 in a test mode. See Section 7.3.6 for more information. | |
TSTPT_1 | R13 | I/O | 1 | ||
TSTPT_2 | R14 | I/O | 1 | ||
TSTPT_3 | R15 | I/O | 1 | ||
TSTPT_4 | P14 | I/O | 1 | Test pin 4 (Includes weak internal pulldown) – tri-stated while RESETZ is asserted low. Sampled as an input test mode selection control approximately 1.5 μs after de-assertion of RESETZ and then driven as an output. | |
TSTPT_5 | P15 | I/O | 1 | Test pins (includes weak internal pulldown). Pins are
tri-stated while RESETZ is asserted low. Sampled as an input test
mode selection control approximately 1.5 µs after de-assertion of
RESETZ, and then driven as outputs.(2)(3) Normal use: reserved for test output. Leave open for normal use. Note: An external pullup may put the DLPC1438 in a test mode. See Section 7.3.6 for more information. | |
TSTPT_6 | N14 | I/O | 1 | ||
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