JAJSHN0F July 2014 – November 2020 DLPC3430 , DLPC3435
The DLPC34xx controller supports the industry standard DSI (Display Serial Interface) Type-3 LVDS video interface with up to four lanes. DSI is a source-synchronous, high-speed, low-power, low-cost physical layer. The DSI-PHY unit receives data when it operates in high-speed (HS) mode. The DSI-PHY unit receives and transmits data when it operates in low-power (LP) mode for unidirectional data lanes. Point-to-point lane interconnect can be used for either data or clock signal transmission. The high-speed receiver is a differential line receiver circuit. The low-power receiver is an unterminated, single-ended receiver circuit. Figure 7-8 shows a high-level view of the DSI interface.
For a given frame rate, the DSI high-speed (HS) clock frequency must be fixed. If a different DSI clock frequency is ever needed (such as to support another frame rate), an I2C command must be sent to the controller with the updated HS clock frequency.
MIPI refers to the Mobile Industry Processor Interface standard.
Various DSI requirements and features of the DLPC34xx are as follows:
The differential DSI clock lane (DCLKN and DCLKP) must be in the LP11 (Idle) state upon the de-assertion of RESETZ (zero-to-one transition) and must remain in this state until HOST_IRQ is de-asserted (one-to-zero transition) to ensure proper DSI initialization.
The controller requires differential data lane '0' (DD0N:DD0P) for DSI operation. The three remaining data lanes are optional depending on the desired input resolution and frame rate. Not all display resolutions and frame rates are supported without using all four data lanes.
The state of GPIO (2:1) pins upon the de-assertion of RESETZ (zero-to-one transition) determines the number of DSI data lanes that are enabled for both LP and HS bus operation.
Only the DLPC3430 controller supports the DSI interface. The DLPC3435 controller does not support the DSI interface.
DSI supported data transfer formats are as follows: