JAJSD08F October 2015 – January 2025 DP83867CS , DP83867E , DP83867IS
The device incorporates an internal PRBS Built-in Self Test (BIST) circuit to accommodate in-circuit testing or diagnostics. The BIST circuit can be used to test the integrity of the transmit and receive data paths. The BIST can be performed using both internal loopback (digital or analog) or external loopback using a cable fixture. The BIST simulates pseudo-random data transfer scenarios in format of real packets and Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) on the lines.
The BIST is implemented with independent transmit and receive paths, with the transmit block generating a continuous stream of a pseudo-random sequence. The device generates a 15-bit pseudo-random sequence for the BIST. The received data is compared to the generated pseudo-random data by the BIST Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) to determine the BIST pass or fail status. The number of error bytes that the PRBS checker received is stored in the BICSR2 register (0x0072). The status of whether the PRBS checker is locked to the incoming receive bit stream, whether the PRBS has lost sync, and whether the packet generator is busy, can be read from the STS2 register (0x0017h). While the lock and sync indications are required to identify the beginning of proper data reception, for any link failures or data corruption, the best indication is the contents of the error counter in the BICSR2 register (0x0072). The number of received bytes are stored in BICSR1 (0x0071).
The PRBS test can be put in a continuous mode by using bit 14 of the BISCR register (0x0016h). In continuous mode, when one of the PRBS counters reaches the maximum value, the counter starts counting from zero again. Packet transmission can be configured for one of two types, 64 and 1518 bytes, through register bit 13 of the BISCR register (0x0016).