The device provides one DCAN interface for supporting distributed realtime control with a high level of security.
The DCAN interface implement the following features:
- Supports CAN protocol version 2.0 part A, B
- Bit rates up to 1 MBit/s
- 64 message objects
- Individual identifier mask for each message object
- Programmable FIFO mode for message objects
- Programmable loop-back modes for self-test operation
- Suspend mode for debug support
- Automatic bus on after Bus-Off state by a programmable 32-bit timer
- Message RAM single error correction and double error detection (SECDED) mechanism
- Direct access to Message RAM during test mode
- Support for two interrupt lines: Level 0 and Level 1, plus separate ECC interrupt line
- Local power down and wakeup support
- Automatic message RAM initialization
- Support for DMA access