JAJSGK4E March 2013 – January 2023 DRV2667
The DRV2667 device is a piezo haptic driver with integrated boost switch, integrated power diode, integrated fully-differential amplifier, and integrated digital front end. This versatile device is capable of driving both high-voltage and low-voltage piezo haptic actuators. The input signal can be driven over the I2C port or the analog inputs.
The digital interface of the DRV2667 device is available through an I2C compatible bus. A digital interface relieves the costly processor burden of PWM generation or additional analog channel requirements in the host system. Any writes to the internal FIFO automatically wakes up the device and begin playing the waveform after the 2 ms internal startup procedure. When the data flow stops or the FIFO under runs, the device automatically enters a pop-less shutdown procedure.
The DRV2667 device also includes waveform memory to store and recall waveforms with minimal latency as well as an advanced waveform synthesizer to construct complex haptic waveforms with minimal memory usage. This provide a means of hardware acceleration, relieving the host processor of haptic generation duties as well as minimizing bus traffic over the haptic interface.
The boost voltage is set using two external resistors, and the boost current limit is programmable through the REXT resistor. A typical start-up time of 2 ms makes the DRV2667 an ideal piezo driver for fast haptic responses. Thermal overload protection prevents the device from being damaged when overdriven.