JAJSKK2 December 2021 DRV8251
The DRV8251 device limits the output current based on the analog input, VREF, and the resistance of an external sense resistor on the ISEN pin, RSENSE, according to Equation 1:
By using current regulation, the device input pins can be set for 100% duty cycle, while the device switches the outputs to keep the motor current at the ITRIP level. For example, if VREF = 3.3 V and a RSENSE = 0.15 Ω, the DRV8251 limits motor current to 2.2 A during high torque conditions. For guidelines on selecting a sense resistor, see the GUID-92C765B7-542B-4661-9631-BEF77AD7BD27.html#GUID-92C765B7-542B-4661-9631-BEF77AD7BD27 section.
When ITRIP is reached, the device enforces slow current decay by enabling both low-side FETs, and it does this for a time of tOFF.
After tOFF elapses, the output is re-enabled according to the two inputs, INx. The drive time (tDRIVE) until reaching another ITRIP event heavily depends on the VM voltage, the back-EMF of the motor, and the inductance of the motor.
If current regulation is not required, the ISEN pin should be directly connected to the PCB ground plane. The VREF voltage must still be 0.3 V to 5 V, and larger voltages provide greater noise margin. This provides the highest-possible peak current which is up to IOCP,min for a few hundred milliseconds (depending on PCB characteristics and the ambient temperature). If current exceeds IOCP,min, the device may enter the fault mode due to overcurrent protection (OCP) or overtemperature shutdown (TSD).