JAJSSZ1 December 2023 DRV8334
External components lists the recommended external components.
RPVDD | VBAT | PVDD | OPTIONAL: 1-Ω (or smaller) series resistor |
CPVDD | PVDD | GND | 10-μF ceramic capacitor rated for PVDD. |
CGVDD | GVDD | GND | 10-μF ceramic capacitor rated for GVDD. |
CCP_FLY | CPH | CPL | 1.0-μF ceramic capacitor rated for GVDD voltage |
CCPT_FLY | CPTH | CPTL | 1.0-μF ceramic capacitor rated for GVDD voltage |
CVCP | VCP | VDRAIN | 1.0-μF ceramic capacitor rated for VCP voltage |
RnFAULT | VCCIO | nFAULT | 10 kΩ pulled up the MCU I/O power supply |
CVREF | VREF | GND | 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor rated for VREF |
CBULK | VMOTOR | GND | 100-μF - 1000-μF rated for VMOTOR; Depending on system configuration |
CVDRAIN | VDRAIN | GND | 1-μF rated for VDRAIN |
CBST | BSTx | SHx | 1.0-μF, 20-V ceramic capacitor between BSTx and SHx depending on the total gate charge of external MOSFET Qg. CBST > 40 X Qg / (VGHX-VSHx) |
RBST | BSTx | SHx | 3-Ω series resistor between BSTx and SHx to help prevent CBST from being overcharged if big negative transient voltage is observed on SHx pin. |
RG | GHx, GLx | Gate of external MOSFET | OPTIONAL: 2-Ω series resistor between GHx/GLx and Gate of external MOSFET. |
RGS | GHx, GLx | Source of external MOSFET | 100-kΩ pull down resistor between GHx/GLx and Source of external MOSFET. |
RSENSE | SPx | SNx | 0.5-mΩ Shunt resistor for current sense amplifier. System design parameter. |
RSO | MCU ADC | SOx | 160-Ω for current sense amplifier output filter |
CSO | MCU ADC | GND | 470-pF ceramic capacitor rated for AREF for current sense amplifier output filter |
RSP, RSN | SPx/SNx | RSENSE | OPTIONAL: 10-Ω for current sense amplifier input filter. |
CSPSN | SPx | SNx | OPTIONAL: 1-nF ceramic capacitor for current sense amplifier input filter. |
CSP, CSN | SPx/SNx | GND | OPTIONAL: 1-nF ceramic capacitor for current sense amplifier input filter. |