JAJSGQ9A March 2018 – April 2019 DRV8343-Q1
If at any time the voltage on the VCP pin (charge pump) falls lower than the CPUV threshold voltage of the charge pump, all of the external MOSFETs are disabled and the nFAULT pin is driven low. The FAULT and CPUV bits are also latched high in the registers in the SPI device. Normal operation starts again (gate driver operation and the nFAULT pin is released) when the VCP undervoltage condition is removed. The FAULT and CPUV bits stay set until cleared through the CLR_FLT bit or an ENABLE pin reset pulse (tRST). Setting the DIS_CPUV bit high on the SPI devices disables this protection feature. If the DIS_CPUV bit is set high and a charge pump undervoltage condition occurs, the device keeps operating but the CPUV fault bit is set high in the SPI register until cleared through the CLR_FLT bit or an ENABLE pin reset pulse (tRST). CPUV protection cannot be disabled in the H/W device.