SPRS825F October 2012 – June 2020 F28M36H33B2 , F28M36H53B2 , F28M36P53C2 , F28M36P63C2
There are 12 PWM modules in the Concerto device. Eight of these are of the HRPWM type with high-resolution control on both A and B signal outputs, and four are of the ePWM type. The HRPWM modules have all the features of the ePWM plus they offer significantly higher PWM resolution (time granularity on the order of 150 ps). Figure 5-43 shows the eight HRPWM modules (PWM 1–8) and four ePWM modules (PWM 9–PWM12).
The synchronization inputs to the PWM modules include the SYNCI signal from the GPTRIP1 output of GPIO_MUX1, and the TBCLKSYNC signal from the CPCLKCR0 register. Synchronization output SYNCO1 comes from the ePWM1 module and is stretched by 8 HSPCLK cycles before entering GPIO_MUX1. There are two groups of trip signal inputs to PWM modules. TRIP1–15 inputs come from GPTRIP1–12 (from GPIO_MUX1), ECCDBLERR signal (from C28x Local and Shared RAM), and PIEERR signal from the C28x CPU. TZ1–6 (Trip Zone) inputs come from GPTRIP 1–3 (from GPIO_MUX1), EQEPERR (from the eQEP peripheral), CLOCKFAIL (from M3 CLOCKS), and EMUSTOP (from the C28x CPU).
There are 12 SOCA PWM outputs and 12 SOCB PWM outputs—a pair from each PWM module. The 12 SOCA outputs are OR-ed together and stretched by 32 HSPCLK cycles before entering GPIO_MUX1 as a single SOCAO signal. The 12 SOCB outputs are OR-ed together and stretched by 32 HSPCLK cycles before entering GPIO_MUX1 as a single SOCBO signal. The 18 SOCA/B outputs from PWM1–PWM9 also go to the Analog Subsystem, where they can be selected to become conversion triggers to ADC modules.
The 12 PWM modules also drive two other sets of outputs which can interrupt the C28x CPU through the C28x PIE block. These are 12 EPWMINT interrupts and 12 EPWMTZINT trip-zone interrupts. See Figure 5-44 for the internal structure of the HRPWM and ePWM modules. The green-colored blocks are common to both ePWM and HRPWM modules, but only the HRPWMs have the grey-colored hi-resolution blocks.