10 Revision History
Changes from Revision C (March 2023) to Revision D (November 2024)
- ドキュメント全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- Added thermal pad configuration information to the Pin Configuration and Functions sectionGo
- Added 0% and 100% RH and 80°C data to Figure 6-3
- Changed multiple CRC values in the List of Valid Configuration Values to Override the Default Device Power-On/Reset Measurement State tableGo
- Changed the Soldering Reflow section to add why rehydration is
required for open cavity and protective cover devices and emphasize that all humidity
sensors need rehydration after reflow Go
- Added the recommended operating
range to the Exposure to High Temperature and High Humidity Conditions
Changes from Revision B (August 2022) to Revision C (March 2023)
- データシートのステータスを「量産混合」から「量産データ」に変更Go
- HDC3022-Q1 デバイスからプレビューの注を削除Go
Changes from Revision A (September 2021) to Revision B (August 2022)
- データシートのステータスを「事前情報」から「量産混合」に変更Go
- HDC3020QDEFRQ1 および HDC3021QDEHRQ1 の注文可能ステータスを「事前情報」から「量産データ」に変更Go
- 機能安全対応を特長リストに追加し、追加の資料にリンク。Go
- 製品プレビューとしてウェッタブル フランクのパッケージ オプションを追加。Go
- ドリフト補正をオフセット誤差補正という名前に変更Go
- Removed that ADDR and ADDR1 pins can be left floating. The pins must NOT be left
- Updated electrical specifications to reflect pre-production testing
- Added heater commandsGo
- Corrected command code to read Manufacturing ID hex code LSB from: 80 to: 81Go
- Added additional trigger on demand command codes: 0x2C06, 0x2C0D, 0x2C10Go
- Moved the Power Supply Recommendations and Layout sections to the Application and Implementation sectionGo
- Changed rehydration recommendation to 25°C and 50%RH for 5