JAJSFM0E September 1997 – June 2018 ISO124
The ISO124 device is designed to have a 50-kHz single-pole (Butterworth) signal response. By cascading the ISO amp with a simple 50-kHz, Q = 1, two-pole, low-pass filter, the overall signal response becomes three-pole Butterworth. The result is a maximally flat 50-kHz magnitude response and the output ripple reduced below the noise level. Figure 10 shows the complete circuit. The two-pole filter is a unity-gain Sallen-Key type consisting of A1, R1, R2, C1, and C2. The values shown give Q = 1 and f–3dB bandwidth = 50 kHz. Because the op amp is connected as a unity-gain follower, gain and gain accuracy of the ISO amp are unaffected. Using a precision op amp such as the OPA602 also preserves the DC accuracy of the ISO amp.