JAJSLE7 May 2021 ISOS141-SEP
Total Ionizing Dose (TID)— ISOS141-SEP is a radiation tolerant, TI Space Enhanced Plastic (Space EP) device, and as such it has a Total Ionizing Dose (TID) level specified in the “Device Information” table on the front page. Testing and qualification of these products is done on a wafer level according to MIL-STD-883, Test Method 1019. Radiation Lot Acceptance Testing (RLAT) is performed at the 30-krad TID levels. A TID characterization report is available. Group E TID RLAT data are available with lot shipments as part of the QCI summary reports.
Single-Event Effects (SEE)— one-time SEE characterization was performed according to EIA/JEDEC standard, EIA/JEDEC57 to linear energy transfer (LET) = 43 MeV⋅cm2/mg. During testing, no Single-Event Latch-Up (SEL) or Single-Event Dielectric Rupture (SEDR) were observed.
Neutron Displacement Damage (NDD)— ISOS141-SEP was irradiated up to 1 × 1012 n/cm2 . A sample size of 15 units was exposed to radiation testing per MILSTD-883, Method 1017 for Neutron Irradiation.
Radiation Testing and Characterization Reports— are available for all radiation effects described in this section, to find the latest reports go to the ISOS141-SEP Technical Documentation section on TI.com.