JAJSA67I April 2004 – February 2019 LM2743
When VCC exceeds 2.76V and the shutdown pin (SD) sees a logic high, the soft-start period begins. Then an internal, fixed 10 µA source begins charging the soft-start capacitor. During soft-start the voltage on the soft-start capacitor CSS is connected internally to the non-inverting input of the error amplifier. The soft-start period lasts until the voltage on the soft-start capacitor exceeds the LM2743 reference voltage of 0.6V. At this point the reference voltage takes over at the non-inverting error amplifier input. The capacitance of CSS determines the length of the soft-start period, and can be approximated by:
During soft start the Power Good flag is forced low and it is released when the FB pin voltage reaches 70% of 0.6V. At this point the chip enters normal operation mode, and the output overvoltage and undervoltage monitoring starts.