JAJSA67I April 2004 – February 2019 LM2743
Selection of the power MOSFETs is governed by a tradeoff between cost, size, and efficiency. One method is to determine the maximum cost that can be endured, and then select the most efficient device that fits that price. Breaking down the losses in the high-side and low-side MOSFETs and then creating spreadsheets is one way to determine relative efficiencies between different MOSFETs. Good correlation between the prediction and the bench result is not specified, however. Single-channel buck regulators that use a controller IC and discrete MOSFETs tend to be most efficient for output currents of 2A to 10A.
Losses in the high-side MOSFET can be broken down into conduction loss, gate charging loss, and switching loss. Conduction loss, or I2R loss, is approximately:
In the above equations, the factor 1.3 accounts for the increase in MOSFET RDSON due to heating. Alternatively, the 1.3 can be ignored and the RDSON of the MOSFET estimated using the RDSON Vs. Temperature curves in the MOSFET datasheets.
Gate charging loss results from the current driving the gate capacitance of the power MOSFETs, and is approximated as:
where ‘n’ is the number of MOSFETs (if multiple devices have been placed in parallel), VDD is the driving voltage (see MOSFET Gate Drivers section) and QGS is the gate charge of the MOSFET. If different types of MOSFETs are used, the n term can be ignored and their gate charges simply summed to form a cumulative QG. Gate charge loss differs from conduction and switching losses in that the actual dissipation occurs in the LM2743, and not in the MOSFET itself.
Switching loss occurs during the brief transition period as the high-side MOSFET turns on and off, during which both current and voltage are present in the channel of the MOSFET. It can be approximated as:
where tR and tF are the rise and fall times of the MOSFET. Switching loss occurs in the high-side MOSFET only.
For this example, the maximum drain-to-source voltage applied to either MOSFET is 3.6V. The maximum drive voltage at the gate of the high-side MOSFET is 3.1V, and the maximum drive voltage for the low-side MOSFET is 3.3V. Due to the low drive voltages in this example, a MOSFET that turns on fully with 3.1V of gate drive is needed. For designs of 5A and under, dual MOSFETs in SOIC-8 package provide a good trade-off between size, cost, and efficiency.