JAJSG33A September 2018 – August 2021 LM34936
The LM34936 has a gm error amplifier for loop compensation. The gm amplifier output (COMP) range is 0.3 V to 3 V. Connect an Rc1-Cc1 compensation network between COMP and ground for type II (PI) compensation (see Figure 8-1). Another pole is usually added using Cc2 to suppress higher frequency noise and switching frequency ripple.
The COMP output voltage (VCOMP) range limits the possible VIN and IOUT range for a given design. In buck mode, the maximum VIN for which the converter can regulate the output at no load is when VCOMP reaches 0.3 V. Equation 7 gives VCOMP as a function of VIN at no load in CCM buck mode:
Where DBUCK in the equation Equation 7 is the buck duty cycle given by:
A larger L1, lower slope ripple (higher CSLOPE), smaller sense resistor (RSENSE), and higher frequency can increase the maximum VIN range for buck operation.
For boost mode, the minimum VIN for which the converter can regulate the output at full load is when VCOMP reaches 3 V. Equation 9 gives VCOMP as a function of VIN in boost mode:
Where DBOOST in the Equation 9 is the boost duty cycle given by:
A larger L1, lower slope ripple (higher CSLOPE), smaller sense resistor (RSENSE), and higher frequency can extend the minimum VIN range for boost operation.