SNVSCV4 September 2024 LM3645
The LM3645 has the ability to adjust the flash current based upon the voltage level present at the IN pin utilizing the Input Voltage Flash Monitor (IVFM). The adjustable threshold IVFM-D (set in register IVFM_THRES) ranges from 2.5 V to 3.25 V in 50-mV steps, with three different usage modes set in the IVFM_THRES register (Stop and Hold, Adjust Down Only, Adjust Up/Down). The Voltage Fault Register has the IVFM flag (bit[4] reg 0x15) bit set when the input voltage crosses the IVFM-D value. Additionally, the IVFM-D threshold sets the input voltage boundary that forces the LM3645 to either stop ramping the flash current during start-up (Stop and Hold Mode) or to start decreasing the LED current during the flash (Down Adjust Only and Up/Down Adjust). In Adjust Up/Down mode, the IVFM-D value plus the hysteresis voltage threshold set the input voltage boundary that forces the LM3645 to start ramping the flash current back up towards the target.