LM5025A PWMコントローラには、アクティブ・クランプ/リセット技法を使用して電力コンバータを実装するために必要なすべての機能が含まれています。アクティブ・クランプ技法により、従来のキャッチ巻線やRDCクランプ/リセット技法と比べて、より高い効率と大きな電力密度を実現できます。制御出力として、メイン電源スイッチ制御(OUT_A)とアクティブ・クランプ・スイッチ制御(OUT_B)の2つが搭載されています。2つの内蔵複合型ゲート・ドライバはMOSデバイスとバイポーラ・デバイスを並列に接続しており、優れたゲート駆動特性が得られます。このコントローラは、発振器の周波数範囲が最大1MHz、PWMおよび電流センスの合計伝搬遅延が100ns未満の高速動作用に設計されています。LM5025Aには、高電圧のスタートアップ・レギュレータが内蔵されており、13V~90Vの広い範囲の入力電圧で動作します。追加機能として、低電圧誤動作防止(UVLO)、ソフトスタート、発振器のアップ/ダウン同期機能、高精度の基準電圧、サーマル・シャットダウン機能があります。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
LM5025A | TSSOP (16) | 5.00mm×4.40mm |
WSON (16) | 5.00mm×5.00mm |
Changes from E Revision (March 2013) to F Revision
Changes from D Revision (March 2013) to E Revision
NO. | NAME | |||
1 | VIN | I | Source input voltage | Input to start-up regulator. Input range 13 V to 90 V, with transient capability to 105 V. |
2 | RAMP | I | Modulator ramp signal | An external RC circuit from Vin sets the ramp slope. This pin is discharged at the conclusion of every cycle by an internal FET, initiated by either the internal clock or the V × Sec Clamp comparator. |
3 | CS1 | I | Current sense input for cycle-by-cycle limiting | If CS1 exceeds 0.5 V the outputs goes into Cycle-by-Cycle current limit. CS1 is held low for 50 ns after OUT_A switches high providing leading edge blanking. |
4 | CS2 | I | Current sense input for soft restart | If CS2 exceeds 0.5 V, the outputs will be disabled and a soft start commenced. The soft-start capacitor will be fully discharged and then released with a pullup current of 1 µA. After the first output pulse (when SS =1 V), the SS charge current will revert back to 20 µA. |
5 | TIME | I | Output overlap and dead-time control | An external resistor (RSET) sets either the overlap time or dead time for the active clamp output. An RSET resistor connected between TIME and GND produces in-phase OUT_A and OUT_B pulses with overlap. An RSET resistor connected between TIME and REF produces out-of-phase OUT_A and OUT_B pulses with dead time. |
6 | REF | O | Precision 5-V reference output | Maximum output current: 10-mA locally decouple with a 0.1-µF capacitor. Reference stays low until the VCC UV comparator is satisfied. |
7 | VCC | P | Output from the internal high voltage start-up regulator. The VCC voltage is regulated to 7.6 V. | If an auxiliary winding raises the voltage on this pin above the regulation setpoint, the internal start-up regulator shuts down, reducing the IC power dissipation. |
8 | OUT_A | O | Main output driver | Output of the main switch PWM output gate driver. Output capability of 3-A peak sink current. |
9 | OUT_B | O | Active Clamp output driver | Output of the Active Clamp switch gate driver. Capable of 1.25-A peak sink current.. |
10 | PGND | G | Power ground | Connect directly to analog ground. |
11 | AGND | G | Analog ground | Connect directly to power ground. For the WSON package option, the exposed pad is electrically connected to AGND. |
12 | SS | I | Soft-start control | An external capacitor and an internal 20-µA current source set the soft-start ramp. The SS current source is reduced to 1 µA initially following a CS2 overcurrent event or an overtemperature event. |
13 | COMP | I | Input to the Pulse Width Modulator | An internal 5-kΩ resistor pullup is provided on this pin. The external opto-coupler sinks current from COMP to control the PWM duty cycle. |
14 | RT | I | Oscillator timing resistor pin | An external resistor connected from RT to ground sets the internal oscillator frequency. |
15 | SYNC | I | Oscillator UP and DOWN synchronization input | The internal oscillator can be synchronized to an external clock with a frequency 20% lower than the internal oscillator’s free running frequency. There is no constraint on the maximum sync frequency. |
16 | UVLO | I | Line undervoltage shutdown | An external voltage divider from the power source sets the shutdown comparator levels. The comparator threshold is 2.5 V. Hysteresis is set by an internal current source (20 µA) that is switched ON or OFF as the UVLO pin potential crosses the 2.5-V threshold. |
— | EP | G | Exposed pad, underside of the WSON package option | Internally bonded to the die substrate. Connect to GND potential for low thermal impedance. |