Use Equation 34 to calculate the required buck inductance based on a 30% inductor ripple current at
nominal input voltages.
Equation 34.
Select a standard inductor value of 0.56 µH or
use a 0.68 µH to account for effective inductance derating with current of molded
inductors. Use Equation 35 to calculate the peak inductor current at maximum steady-state input voltage.
Subharmonic oscillation occurs with a duty cycle greater than 50% for peak current-mode
control. For design simplification, the LM5149 has an internal slope compensation ramp proportional to the switching
frequency that is added to the current sense signal to damp any tendency toward
subharmonic oscillation.
Equation 35.
Based on Equation 9, use Equation 36 to cross-check the inductance to set a slope compensation close to the ideal one times
the inductor current downslope.