JAJSMQ7A August 2021 – October 2021 LM5158-Q1 , LM51581-Q1
To further protect the converter during prolonged current limit conditions, the device provides a selectable hiccup mode overload protection. This function is enabled by a single resistor (37.4 kΩ or 62.0 kΩ) between the MODE pin and the AGND pin or by programming the MODE pin voltage (370 mV or 620 mV) during initial power up. The internal hiccup mode fault timer of the device counts the PWM clock cycles when the cycle-by-cycle current limiting occurs after soft start is finished. When the hiccup mode fault timer detects 64 cycles of current limiting, an internal hiccup mode off timer forces the device to stop switching and pulls down SS. Then, the device restarts after 32,768 cycles of hiccup mode off time. The 64 cycle hiccup mode fault timer is reset if eight consecutive switching cycles occur without exceeding the current limit threshold. The soft-start time must be long enough not to trigger the hiccup mode protection after the soft start is finished.