JAJSG34B September 2018 – August 2021 LM5176-Q1
The output side MOSFETs QH2 and QL2 see the output voltage of 12 V and additional transient spikes at SW2 during switching. Therefore, QH2 and QL2 should be rated for 20 V or more. The gate plateau voltages of the MOSFETs should be smaller than the minimum input voltage of the converter, otherwise the MOSFETs may not fully enhance during start-up or overload conditions.
The power loss in QH2 in the buck mode of operation is approximated by:
The power loss in QL2 in the boost mode of operation consists of both conduction and switching loss components given by Equation 35 and Equation 36, respectively:
The rise (tr) and the fall (tf) times can be based on the MOSFET datasheet information or measured in the lab. Typically a MOSFET with smaller RDSON (lower conduction loss) has longer rise and fall times (larger switching loss).
The power loss in QH2 in the boost mode of operation is shown in Equation 37: