JAJSIB1C December 2019 – May 2024 LP8866-Q1
Boost overvoltage is detected if the FB pin voltage exceeds the VFB_OVPL threshold. When boost overvoltage is detected, BSTOVPL_STATUS bit will be set in the BOOST_FAULT_STATUS register. The boost FET stops switching, and the output voltage will be automatically limited. If the BSTOVPL_STATUS bit is continually set (that is, reappears after clearing), it may indicate an loop issue in the application. Boost overvoltage low is monitored during device Boost Softstart and Normal mode.
A second boost overvoltage high fault is detected if the FB pin voltage exceeds the VFB_OVPH threshold or the DISCHARGE pin voltage exceeds the VBST_OVPH. The LP8866-Q1 device enters the fault recovery state to protect system damage from a high boost voltage. When boost overvoltage is detected, BSTOVPH_STATUS bit is set in the BOOST_FAULT_STATUS register. A fault interrupt is also generated. The device enters Fault Recovery mode and then attempt to restart after 100ms. Boost overvoltage high is monitored during Boost Softstart and Normal mode.