Forward-Reverse speed profile can be configured by
setting SPEED_PROFILE_CONFIG to 11b. Forward-Reverse speed profile
features direction change through adjusting the duty command. DUTY_C
configures duty command at which the direction will be changed. The
Forward-Reverse speed profile can be used to eliminate the separate
signal used to control the motor direction.
- DUTY_ON1 configures the duty command above which MCF8315A starts driving the
motor in the forward direction (to speed reference set by SPEED_CLAMP1) when
the current speed reference is zero. When current speed reference is zero
and duty command is below DUTY_ON1, MCF8315A continues to be in off state
and motor is stationary.
- DUTY_OFF1 configures the duty command below which
the speed reference changes in the forward direction
- DUTY_CLAMP1 configures the duty command below
which speed reference will be the constant in
forward direction. SPEED_CLAMP1 configures constant
speed reference between DUTY_CLAMP1 and
- DUTY_A configures the duty command for speed
reference SPEED_A. The speed reference changes linearly between DUTY_CLAMP1
and DUTY_A.
- DUTY_B configures the duty command above which
MCF8315A will be in off state. The speed reference remains constant at
SPEED_A between DUTY_A and DUTY_B.
- DUTY_C configures the duty command at which the
direction is changed
- DUTY_D configures the duty command above which
the MCF8315A will be in running state in the reverse direction. SPEED_D
configures constant speed reference between DUTY_D and DUTY_E.
- DUTY_CLAMP2 configures the duty command above
which speed reference will be constant at SPEED_CLAMP2 in reverse direction.
The speed reference changes linearly between DUTY_E and DUTY_CLAMP2.
- DUTY_ON2 configures the duty command below which
MCF8315A starts driving the motor in the reverse
direction (to speed reference set by SPEED_CLAMP2)
when the current speed reference is zero. When
current speed reference is zero and duty command is
above DUTY_ON2, MCF8315A continues to be in off
state and motor is stationary.
- DUTY_OFF2 configures the duty command above which
the speed reference changes in the reverse direction