JAJSNS6A december 2022 – april 2023 MCF8315A
Analog input based speed control can be configured by setting SPEED_MODE to 00b. In this mode, the duty command (DUTY_CMD) varies with the analog voltage input on the SPEED pin (VSPEED). When 0 ≤ VSPEED ≤ VEN_SB, DUTY_CMD is set to zero and the motor is stopped. When VEX_SB ≤ VSPEED ≤ VANA_FS, DUTY_CMD varies linearly with VSPEED as shown in Figure 7-14. VEX_SB and VEN_SB are the standby entry and exit thresholds - refer Section for more information on VEX_SB and VEN_SB. When VSPEED > VANA_FS, DUTY_CMD is clamped to 100%.