JAJSST7A January 2024 – May 2024 MCF8315C-Q1
PWM-based motor control can be configured by setting SPEED_MODE to 01b. In this mode, the PWM duty cycle applied to the SPEED pin can be varied from 0 to 100%, and duty command (DUTY_CMD) varies linearly with the applied PWM duty cycle. When 0 ≤ DutySPEED ≤ DutyEN_SB, DUTY_CMD is set to zero, and the motor is stopped. When DutyEX_SB ≤ DutySPEED ≤ 100%, DUTY_CMD varies linearly with DutySPEED as shown in Figure 6-17. DutyEX_SB and DutyEN_SB are the standby entry and exit thresholds - refer Section for more information on DutyEX_SB and DutyEN_SB. The frequency of the PWM input signal applied to the SPEED pin is defined as fPWM and the range for this frequency can be configured through SPEED_RANGE_SEL.