JAJSNT0A december 2022 – april 2023 MCT8315A
MCT8315A has two 12-bit DACs which output analog voltage equivalent of digital variables on the DACOUT1 and DACOUT2 pins. The maximum DAC output voltage is 3-V. Signals available on DACOUT pins are useful in tracking internal variables in real-time and can be used for tuning speed controller or motor acceleration time. The address for variables to be tracked on DACOUT1 and DACOUT2 are configured using DACOUT1_VAR_ADDR and DACOUT2_VAR_ADDR respectively. DACOUT1 is available on pin 38 and DACOUT2 can be configured on pin 36 by setting DAC_SOX_CONFIG to 00b. DACOUT2 is also available on pin 37. DAC_CONFIG should be configured to 1b for pins 37, 38 to function as DAC outputs.