JAJSG80B May 2015 – September 2020 MSP430FG6425 , MSP430FG6426 , MSP430FG6625 , MSP430FG6626
In applications that use a super-capacitor instead of a battery for secondary supply, the charging circuit functionality of the Battery Backup System can be used to charge the super-capacitor. The resistive charger circuit connects VBAT to DVCC with selectable resistor values found in Section 8.8.8. This means that if DVCC is not present, you cannot use this feature to charge a super-capacitor connected to VBAT. The CTSD16 module can be used to sense the voltage level on VBAT divided by a factor of three. Typical values during VBAT sensing are listed in Section 8.8.8. Channel A8 of the CTSD16 is routed internally for this. See the CTSD16 chapter of the MSP430F5xx and MSP430F6xx Family User's Guide for more information. The BAKADC bit in the BAKCTL register must also be enabled for this feature to operate. Additionally, RTC interrupts can be used to wake up from LPMx.5 states to charge the super-capacitor. While in an LPMx.5 state, the super-capacitor on VBAT drains. This means that the "wakeup to charge" interrupt interval must be designed so that charging starts before the leftover charge in the super-capacitor is too small to accommodate the worst-case backup time if the system were to suddenly lose power. To estimate this time, use Equation 13 for capacitor discharge in an RC circuit.
Because the operational current is given for when RTC is operating within the specifications section, R can be replaced with VO/ILPM3.5 by Ohm's law. By setting V(t) to the minimum voltage for RTC operation while in backup supply, VO as voltage of capacitor when fully charged, and C as the super-capacitor capacitance, the estimated RTC operation time can be calculated. If periodic wakeups from LPM3.5 are not desirable for a given application, external means of charging the super-capacitor must be implemented by the user.
For a detailed list of when the secondary supply VBAT powers the backup-supplied subsystem, see the Battery Backup System chapter in the MSP430F5xx and MSP430F6xx Family User's Guide.