JAJSVG1 August 2024 TAS2120
The device monitors the input audio signal level against the programmed Music efficiency threshold configured by the MUSIC_EFF_MODE_THR[23:0] register. When the audio signal falls below the threshold, an internal hysteresis timer is enabled. If the signal level remains below the configured MUSIC_EFF_MODE_THR[23:0] for the entire duration of the MUSIC_EFF_MODE_TIMER[23:0], the device enters into the Music efficiency mode. When the device is in Music efficiency mode, the MUSIC_EFF_STATUS bit is set as high and when the device comes out of music efficiency mode, the status bit is set low.
When the signal level increases above the MUSIC_EFF_MODE_THR[23:0], the device automatically wakes up the blocks in low IQ mode and continues playing out the audio input signals. The transition from Music efficiency mode to normal operation occurs with minimal click and pop. While the device is in Music efficiency mode, the audio channel performance is maintained and doesn't impact the output signal level or noise.
The MUSIC_EFF_MODE_THR[23:0] and MUSIC_EFF_MODE_TIMER[23:0] registers can be configured using the PPC3 Software Section 6.4.1.