JAJSFI3A May 2018 – November 2018 TAS3251
In Master Mode, the device generates bit clock and left-right and frame sync clock and outputs them on the appropriate pins. To configure the device in master mode, first put the device into reset, then use registers SCLKO and LRKO (P0-R9). Then reset the LRCK/FS and SCLK divider counters using bits RSCLK and RLRK (P0-R12). Finally, exit reset.
Figure 23 shows a simplified serial port clock tree for the device in master mode.
In master mode, MCLK is an input and SCLK and LRCK/FS are outputs. SCLK and LRCK/FS are integer divisions of MCLK. Master mode with a non-audio rate master clock source requires external GPIO’s to use the PLL in standalone mode. The PLL should be configured to ensure that the on-chip processor can be driven at the maximum clock rate. The master mode of operation is described in the section.
When used with audio rate master clocks, the register changes that should be done include switching the device into master mode, and setting the divider ratio. An example of the master mode of operations is using 24.576 MHz MCLK as a master clock source and driving the SCLK and LRCK/FS with integer dividers to create 48 kHz sample rate clock output. In master mode, the DAC section of the device is also running from the PLL output. The TAS3251 device is able to meet the specified audio performance while using the internal PLL. However, using the MCLK CMOS oscillator source will have less jitter than the PLL.
To switch the DAC clocks (SDAC in the Figure 22) the following registers should be modified