JAJSE48C August 2017 – April 2018 TAS5755M
NAME | NO. | ||
ADR/FAULT | 8 | DIO | Dual function terminal which sets the LSB of the 7-bit I2C address to "0" if pulled to GND and to "1" if pulled to DVDD. If configured to be a fault output by the methods described in I²C Address Selection and Fault Output, this terminal is pulled low when an internal fault occurs. A pull-up or pull-down resistor is required, as is shown in the Typical Application Circuit Diagrams. If pulled high (to DVDD), a 15-kΩ resistor must be used to minimize in-rush current at power up and to isolate the net if the pin is used as a fault output, as described above. |
AVDD | 9 | P | 3.3-V analog power supply |
AVSS | 13,14 | P | Analog 3.3-V supply ground |
BST_A | 17 | P | High-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge A |
BST_B | 28 | P | High-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge B |
BST_C | 29 | P | High-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge C |
BST_D | 40 | P | High-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge D |
DVDD | 47 | P | 3.3-V digital power supply |
DVSS | 44,46 | P | Digital ground |
DVSS_OSC | 3 | P | Oscillator ground |
GVDD | 41 | P | Gate drive internal regulator output |
LRCLK | 56 | P | Input serial audio data left/right clock (sample-rate clock) |
MCLK | 5 | DI | Master clock input |
NC | 6,7,22,35,43,45,50,51 | – | No connect |
OSC_RES | 4 | AO | Oscillator trim resistor. Connect an 18.2-kΩ, 1% resistor to DVSS_OSC ground. |
OUT_A | 20,21 | O | Output, half-bridge A |
OUT_B | 26,27 | O | Output, half-bridge B |
OUT_C | 30,31 | O | Output, half-bridge C |
OUT_D | 36,37 | O | Output, half-bridge D |
PBTL | 15 | DI | Low means BTL mode; high means PBTL mode. Information goes directly to power stage. |
PDN | 1 | DI | Power down, active-low. PDN prepares the device for loss of power supplies by shutting down the noise shaper and initiating the PWM stop sequence. |
PGND | 23,24,25, 32,33,34 | P | Power ground for half-bridges A and B |
FLTM | 12 | AO | PLL negative loop-filter terminal |
FLTP | 11 | AO | PLL positive loop-filter terminal |
PVDD_AB | 18,19 | P | Power-supply input for half-bridge output A and B |
PVDD_CD | 38,39 | P | Power-supply input for half-bridge output C and D |
RESET | 49 | DI | Reset, active-low. A system reset is generated by applying a logic low to this pin. RESET is an asynchronous control signal that restores the DAP to its default conditions and places the PWM in the hard-mute (high-impedance) state. |
SCL | 52 | DI | I2C serial control clock input |
SCLK | 55 | DI | Serial audio-data clock (shift clock). SCLK is the serial-audio-port input-data bit clock. |
SDA | 53 | DIO | I2C serial control data interface input/output |
SDIN | 54 | DI | Serial audio data input. SDIN supports three discrete (stereo) data formats. |
SSTIMER | 16 | AI | Controls ramp time of OUT_x to minimize pop. Leave this pin floating for BD mode. Requires capacitor of 2.2 nF to GND in AD mode. The capacitor determines the ramp time. |
STEST | 48 | DI | Factory test pin. Connect directly to DVSS. |
VR_ANA | 10 | P | Internally regulated 1.8-V analog supply voltage. This pin must not be used to power external devices. |
VR_DIG | 2 | P | Internally regulated 1.8-V digital supply voltage. This pin must not be used to power external devices. |
VREG | 42 | P | Digital regulator output. Not to be used for powering external circuitry. |
PowerPAD™ | P | Connect to GND for best system performance. If not connected to GND, leave floating. |