Startup Procedures- Software Control Mode
- Configure all digital I/O pins as required by the application using PCB connections (that is SPK_GAIN[1:0] = 11, ADR, etc.)
- Start with SPK_SD Pin = LOW
- Bring up power supplies (it does not matter if PVDD/AVDD or DVDD comes up first, provided the device is held in shutdown.)
- Once power supplies are stable, start MCLK, SCLK, LRCK
- Configure the device via the control port in the manner required by the use case, making sure to mute the device via the control port
- Once power supplies and clocks are stable and the control port has been programmed, bring SPK_SD HIGH
- Unmute the device via the control port
- The device is now in normal operation
Control port register changes should only occur when the device is placed into shutdown. This can be accomplished either by pulling the SPK_SD pin LOW or clearing the SPK_SD bit in the control port.