JAJSND9A May 2021 – November 2021 TCAN11623-Q1 , TCAN11625-Q1
The transceiver status, TS, output pin is used to indicate to the status of the CAN transceiver to the controller. When the TCAN1162x-Q1 is in normal mode with no TXD DTO fault the TS pin is driven high. The TS pin is driven low signaling to the controller that the TCAN1162x-Q1 is not ready for normal operation.
The TS output will be driven low if the following conditions exist:
The TS output is tri-stated if the following conditions exist:
The TCAN11625 TS output will be driven low if the following conditions exist:
The TCAN11623 TS output will be driven low if the following conditions exist: