JAJSNX3 February 2024 TCAN1465-Q1 , TCAN1469-Q1
The nINT shares the pin with the SPI serial data output (SDO) function and is defaulted as SDO only. If the pin is to be used as nINT, register 8'h29[0] should be set to 1b, SDO_CONFIG. When configured to support nINT, the pin functions as an interrupt output when the nCS pin is high and by default is pulled low for a global interrupt, 8'h50[7:0]. When nCS is low the device is using the SPI ports and this pin is the serial data output from the TCAN146x-Q1. Figures Figure 8-6 and Figure 8-7 show an example high level system and timing diagram when using the nINT feature.