JAJSES8B October 2017 – November 2018 TPS2372
NAME | NO. | ||
VDD | 1 | I | Connect to positive PoE input power rail. Bypass with 0.1 µF to VSS. |
DEN | 2 | I/O | Connect a 24.9 kΩ resistor from DEN to VDD to provide the PoE detection signature. Pull DEN to VSS to disable the pass MOSFET during powered operation. |
CLSA | 3 | O | Connect a resistor from CLSA to VSS to program the first classification current. |
VSS | 4, 5 | — | Connect to negative power rail derived from PoE source. |
CLSB | 6 | O | Connect a resistor from CLSB to VSS to program the second classification current. |
REF | 7 | O | Internal 1.5 V voltage reference. Connect a 49.9kΩ_1% resistor from REF to VSS. |
AMPS_CTL | 8 | O | Automatic MPS control. Connect a resistor with appropriate power rating (to support the MPS current) from AMPS_CTL to VSS to program the MPS current amplitude. Leave AMPS_CTL open to disable the automatic MPS function. |
MPS_DUTY | 9 | I | MPS duty cycle select input, referenced to VSS, internally driven by a precision current source with voltage limited to less than ~5.5V. A resistor connected to VSS determines if the MPS duty cycle selected is either 5.4% (open), 8.1% (~60.4 kΩ) or 12.5% (short). |
AUTCLS | 10 | I | Autoclass enable input. Internally pulled-up to 5.5 V internal rail during classification only, pulled down in other circumstances to minimize consumption. Pull low (to VSS) to enable the Autoclass function during classification. Leave open otherwise. |
RTN | 11, 12 | — | Drain of PoE pass MOSFET. Return line from the load to the controller. |
PG | 13 | O | Power Good output. Open-drain, active-high output referenced to RTN. |
NC | 14, 15 | — | No connect |
IRSHDL_EN | 16 | I | PSE inrush delay (~81.5 ms) enable, referenced to RTN, internally pulled-up to 5.5 V internal rail. Leave open to enable the inrush delay. |
TPL | 17 | O | PSE allocated power outputs, binary coded. Open-drain, active-low outputs referenced to RTN. |
TPH | 18 | O | |
BT | 19 | O | Indicates that a PSE applying an IEEE802.3bt (Type 3 or 4) mutual identification scheme has been identified. Open-drain, active-low output referenced to RTN. |
NC | 20 | — | No connect pin. Leave open. |
Pad | — | — | The exposed thermal pad must be connected to VSS. A large fill area is required to assist in heat dissipation. |