4 改訂履歴
Changes from * Revision (February 2013) to A Revision
「特長」を「1Aおよび2A Apple Mobile Digital Devices準拠のD+/D-分圧モード: 2V/2.7Vおよび2.7/2V」から「自動選択によりBC1.2以外の充電モードをサポート - D+/D-分圧モード: 2V/2.7Vおよび2.7V/2V」へ変更Go
特長を「73mΩ (標準値)」から「73mΩ (標準値) ~を内蔵」に変更Go
Changed the Wake on USB Feature (Mouse/Keyboard Wake Feature) sectionGo
Changed ILIM_LO+60mA for 200 ms To: ILIM_LO + 75 mA for 200 ms and ILIM_LO+10mA for 3s To: ILIM_LO + 25 mA for 3s in section PPM DetailsGo
Changed text From: "it switches to Divider2 scheme" To: "it discharges and then switches to Divider2 scheme." in section DCP Auto ModeGo
Changed text From: "it will revert to Divider1 scheme" To: "it performs OUT discharge and will revert to Divider1 scheme" in section DCP Auto ModeGo
Changed the description of S0 and S3 From: ILIM_LO + 60 mA thresholds To: ILIM_LO + 75 mA thresholds in Table 2Go