JAJSN20 September 2021 TPS25854-Q1 , TPS25855-Q1
For the TPS25854-Q1 and TPS25855-Q1, FAULT is the fault indication pins for USB port. FAULT is in an open-drain state during shutdown, start-up, or normal condition. When the USB switch enters hiccup mode, or over-temperature thermal shutdown (OTSD) is triggered, FAULT is pulled low. FAULT asserts (logic low) on an individual USB switch during an over-current or over-temperature condition. FAULT switches high after the fault condition is removed, and the USB output voltage goes high again.
The device features an active-low, open-drain fault output. Connect a 100-kΩ pull-up resistor from FAULT to SENSE or other suitable I/O voltage. FAULT can be left open or tied to GND when not used.
Table 10-4 summarizes the conditions that generate a fault and actions taken by the device.
Overcurrent on BUS | IBUS > Programmed IILIM | BUS load switch enter hiccup mode. The fault indicator asserts with a 4.1-ms deglitch and de-asserts with a 16.4-ms deglitch. The fault indicator remains asserted during the BUS overload condition. |
TPS2585x-Q1 overtemperature | TJ > TSD | The device immediately disables and asserts fault indicator with no deglitch. The device attempts to power up once the die temperature decreases below the thermal hysteresis threshold as specified. |