JAJSKH0C April 2023 – February 2024 TPS274C65
Figure 8-32 shows the device fault and retry behavior when there is a slow creep into an over-current event. As shown, the switch clamps the current until it hits thermal shutdown, and then the device will remain latched off until the AUTO_RETRY_DIS bit is low.
Figure 8-33 shows the behavior with AUTO_RETRY_DIS = 1 (Latched behavior); hence, the switch will retry after the fault is cleared and tRETRY has expired.
When the switch retries after a shutdown event, the fault indication will remain until VOUTx has risen to VBB – 1.8 V. Once VOUTx has risen, the FLT output is reset and current sensing is available. If there is a short-to-ground and VOUT is not able to rise, the SNS fault indication will remain indefinitely. Figure 8-34 illustrates auto-retry behavior and provides a zoomed-in view of the fault indication during retry.
Figure 8-34 assumes that tRETRY has expired by the time that TJ reaches the hysteresis threshold.