JAJSM08B December 2022 – August 2024 TPS281C30
The four working modes in the device are normal mode, normal mode with diagnostics, standby mode, and standby mode with diagnostics. The standby mode and the standby mode with diagnostics are only available in version A, B, C, D. If an off-state power saving is required in the system, the standby current is less than 500 nA with EN and DIAG_EN low. If an off-state diagnostic is required in the system, the typical standby current is around 0.5 mA with DIAG_EN high. Note that to enter standby mode requires IN low and t > tSTBY. tSTBY is the standby-mode deglitch time, which is used to avoid false triggering or interfere with PWM switching.
For E version, there is no standby mode when the device is OFF, and the current consumption will be IQ(OFF) when EN is low.