SLUSFM1 December 2024 TPS4812-Q1
The I2t profile for TPS4812-Q1 is set by two parameters which are I2t start overcurrent threshold, IOC and I2t ampere squared second factor (melting point or breaking point). The overcurrent protection time tOC is determined based on set I2t factor when load current is higher than set IOC threshold.
Setting I2t Protection Starting Threshold, RIOC
The I2t protection starting threshold IOC is set using an external resistor RIOC across IOC and GND pins.Use Equation 9 to calculate the required RIOC value:
V(REF_OC) is internal reference voltage of 200mV.
IOC is the overcurrent level.
The scaling factor, K can be calculated by Equation 10:
IBIAS is internal reference current of 5µA.
RSET is the resistor connected across CS1+ and input battery supply.
RSNS is the current sense resistor.
Setting I2t Profile, CI2t
The device senses the voltage across the external current sense resistor (RSNS) through CS1+ and CS1–. When sensed voltage across RSNS exceeds IOC threshold set by RIOC resistor, CI2t capacitor starts charging with current proportional to ILOAD2 – IOC2 current.
The time to turn OFF the gate drive at maximum overcurrent limit (IOC_MAX) can be determined using Equation 11:
Use Equation 12 to calculate the required CI2t value.
V(I2t_OC) is I2t trip threshold voltage of 2V (typ).
V(I2t_OFFSET) is offset voltage of 500mV (typ) on I2t pin during normal operation.
tOC_MIN is the desired overcurrent response time at maximum overcurrent threshold IOC_MAX.