SLUSFM1 December 2024 TPS4812-Q1
By following similar design procedure as outlined in , the external component values are calculated as below:
Programming the Load Wakeup Threshold, RBYPASS and Q3 Selection
During normal operation, the series resistor RBYPASS is used to set load wakeup current threshold. After VG_GOOD threshold is reached, the voltage between DRN and CS2– is compared against V(LWU) threshold (200mV typ) for load wakeup event. For selecting the MOSFET Q3, important electrical parameters are the maximum continuous drain current ID, the maximum drain-to-source voltage VDS(MAX), the maximum drain-to-source voltage VGS(MAX), and the drain-to-source ON resistance RDSON.
Based on the design requirements, IAUS200N08S5N023 is selected and its ratings are:
80V VDS(MAX) and ±20V VGS(MAX)
RDS(ON) is 2.3mΩ typical at 10V VGS
RBYPASS resistor value can be selected using below equation:
To set 200mA load wakeup current, RBYPASS resistor is calculated to be 1Ω.
The average power rating of the bypass resistor can be calculated by following equation:
The average power dissipation of RBYPASS is calculated to be 0.04W.
The peak power dissipation in the bypass resistor is given by following equation:
The peak power dissipation of RBYPASS is calculated to be ~3600W. The peak power dissipation time for power-up with short into LPM can be derived from t(LPM_SC) parameter (5μs) in electrical characteristics table.
Based on PPEAK and t(LPM_SC), Two of 2Ω, 1%, 1.5W CRCW25122R00JNEGHP resistor are used in parallel to support both average and peak power dissipation for > t(LPM_SC) time. TI suggests the designer to share the entire power dissipation profile of bypass resistor with the resistor manufacturer and get their recommendation.
The peak short-circuit current in bypass path can be calculated based on following equation:
IPEAK_BYPASS is calculated to be 60A based on RBYPASS selected in Equation 36. TI suggest the designer to ensure that operating point (VBATT_MAX, IPEAK_BYPASS) for bypass path (Q3) is within the SOA curve for > t(LPM_SC) time.
Programming the Inrush Current, Rg and Cg Selection
Use following equation to calculate the IINRUSH:
IINRUSH calculated in Equation 40 should be always less than wakeup in short in low power mode (ILPM_SC) current which can be calculated using following equation:
For 1Ω RBYPASS, ILPM_SC is calculated to be 2A which is less than IINRUSH.
Use following equation to calculate the required Cg based on IINRUSH calculated in Equation 40.
Where, I(G) is 100µA (typical)
To set IINRUSH at 1.5A, Cg value is calculated to be ~50nF.
A series resistor Rg must be used in conjunction with Cg to limit the discharge current from Cg during turn-off .
The chosen value of Rg is 100Ω and Cg is 68nF.