9 Revision History
Changes from Revision * (September 2009) to Revision A (January 2024)
- 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- Updated to new format which does not include specific parameter names and
does include min and max columns. TJ called out in header. Pin names are used rather
than signal names. BOOT and PH voltages now marked as output voltage. Footnotes updated
and Note 2 removed. ESD specifications moved to separate table.Go
- Changed BOOT to PH Absolute Maximum to 6 V maximumGo
- Deleted Absolute Maximum BOOT to GND maximum voltageGo
- Added separate ESD tableGo
- Changed HBM ESD to ±2000 V, changed CDM to ±750 V, deleted MM Go
- Added Recommended operating VI input voltageGo
- Updated Dissipation Ratings table with more detailed Thermal Information
- Added condition for typical specifications EC table’s header, added parameter names, and used pin names in parameter descriptions. Footnote added.Go
- Updated the following test conditions: VFB, DMAX, and RDSON(HS).Go
- Updated the following typical specifications in the EC table:
- Updated the following typical specification in the EC table: