Output Voltage Limitations
Due to the internal design of the TPS54618, there is a minimum output voltage limit for any given input voltage. The output voltage can never be lower than the internal voltage reference of 0.799 V. Above 0.799 V, the output voltage may be limited by the minimum controllable ON-time. The minimum output voltage in this case is given by Equation 34.
Equation 34.
- Voutmin = minimum achievable output voltage
- Ontimemin = minimum controllable ON-time (75 ns typical. 120 ns no load)
- Fsmax = maximum switching frequency including tolerance
- Vinmax = maximum input voltage
- Ioutmin = minimum load current
- RDSmin = minimum high-side MOSFET ON-resistance (see Electrical Characteristics)
- RL = series resistance of output inductor
There is also a maximum achievable output voltage which is limited by the minimum OFF-time. The maximum output voltage is given by Equation 35.
Equation 35.
- Voutmax = maximum achievable output voltage
- Vin = minimum input voltage
- Offtimemax = maximum OFF-time (90 ns typical for adequate margin)
- ts = 1/Fs
- Ioutmax = maximum current
- RDSmax = maximum high-side MOSFET ON-resistance (see Electrical Characteristics)
- RI = DCR of the inductor
- tdead = dead time (60 ns)