4 Revision History
Changes from Revision C (June 2020) to Revision D (January 2021)
- 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
Changes from Revision B (September 2019) to Revision C (June 2020)
- Added device comparison Go
- Changed 1x 22 µF to 2x 22 µFGo
- Changed Part Number from TPS63802RMW to TPS63802DLA Go
- Change MODE from High to Low in Application Curves
- Deleted layout guideline to separate AGND and PGND Go
- Deleted layout guideline to separate AGND and PGND Go
- Changed Use a common-power GND, but connect AGND and PGND through via at a different layer. to Use a common ground node for power ground and a different one for control ground to minimize the effects of ground noise. Connect these ground nodes at any place close to one of the ground pins of the IC. Go
Changes from Revision A (January 2019) to Revision B (September 2019)
- デバイスのステータスを「事前情報」から「量産データ」に変更Go
- パッケージ・グループ名を変更Go
- Added related documentation Go