JAJSIR5C October   2019  – October 2023 TPS65313-Q1


  1.   1
  2. 特長
  3. アプリケーション
  4. 概要
  5. デバイスの機能ブロック図
  6. Revision History
  7. 概要 (続き)
  8. Device Option Table
  9. Pin Configuration and Functions
  10. Specifications
    1. 9.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 9.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 9.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 9.4  Thermal Information
    5. 9.5  Power-On-Reset, Current Consumption, and State Timeout Characteristics
    6. 9.6  PLL/Oscillator and SYNC_IN Pin Characteristics
    7. 9.7  Wide-VIN Synchronous Buck Regulator (Wide-VIN BUCK) Characteristics
    8. 9.8  Low-Voltage Synchronous Buck Regulator (LV BUCK) Characteristics
    9. 9.9  Synchronous Boost Converter (BOOST) Characteristics
    10. 9.10 Internal Voltage Regulator (VREG) Characteristics
    11. 9.11 Voltage Monitors for Regulators Characteristics
    12. 9.12 External General Purpose Voltage Monitor Characteristics
    13. 9.13 VIN and VIN_SAFE Under-Voltage and Over-Voltage Warning Characteristics
    14. 9.14 WAKE Input Characteristics
    15. 9.15 NRES (nRESET) Output Characteristics
    16. 9.16 ENDRV/nIRQ Output Characteristics
    17. 9.17 Analog DIAG_OUT
    18. 9.18 Digital INPUT/OUTPUT IOs (SPI Interface IOs, DIAG_OUT/SYNC_OUT, MCU_ERROR)
    19. 9.19 BUCK1, BUCK2, BOOST Thermal Shutdown / Over Temperature Protection Characteristics
    20. 9.20 PGNDx Loss Detection Characteristics
    21. 9.21 SPI Timing Requirements
    22. 9.22 SPI Characteristics
    23. 9.23 Typical Characteristics
  11. 10Parameter Measurement Information
  12. 11Detailed Description
    1. 11.1  Overview
    2. 11.2  Functional Block Diagram
    3. 11.3  Wide-VIN Buck Regulator (BUCK1)
      1. 11.3.1 Fixed-Frequency Voltage-Mode Step-Down Regulator
      2. 11.3.2 Operation
      3. 11.3.3 Voltage Monitoring (Monitoring and Protection)
      4. 11.3.4 Overcurrent Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      5. 11.3.5 Thermal Warning and Shutdown Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      6. 11.3.6 Overvoltage Protection (OVP) (Monitoring and Protection)
      7. 11.3.7 Extreme Overvoltage Protection (EOVP) (Monitoring and Protection)
    4. 11.4  Low-Voltage Buck Regulator (BUCK2)
      1. 11.4.1 Fixed-Frequency Peak-Current Mode Step-Down Regulator
      2. 11.4.2 Operation
      3. 11.4.3 Output Voltage Monitoring (Monitoring and Protection)
      4. 11.4.4 Overcurrent Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      5. 11.4.5 Thermal Sensor Warning and Thermal Shutdown Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      6. 11.4.6 Overvoltage Protection (OVP) (Monitoring and Protection)
    5. 11.5  Low-Voltage Boost Converter (BOOST)
      1. 11.5.1 Output Voltage Monitoring (Monitoring and Protection)
      2. 11.5.2 Overcurrent Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      3. 11.5.3 Thermal Sensor Warning and Shutdown Protection (Monitoring and Protection)
      4. 11.5.4 Overvoltage Protection (OVP) (Monitoring and Protection)
    6. 11.6  VREG Regulator
    7. 11.7  BUCK1, BUCK2, and BOOST Switching Clocks and Synchronization (SYNC_IN) Clock
      1. 11.7.1 Internal fSW Clock Configuration (fSW Derived from an Internal Oscillator)
      2. 11.7.2 BUCK1 Switching Clock-Monitor Error (Internal fSW Clock Configuration)
      3. 11.7.3 BUCK2 Switching Clock-Monitor Error (Internal fSW Clock Configuration)
      4. 11.7.4 BOOST Switching Clock-Monitor Error (Internal fSW Clock Configuration)
      5. 11.7.5 External fSW Clock Configuration (fSW Derived from SYNC_IN and PLL Clocks)
        1. SYNC_IN, PLL, and VCO Clock Monitors
        2. BUCK1 Switching Clock-Monitor Error (External fSW Clock Configuration)
        3. BUCK2 Switching Clock-Monitor Error (External fSW Clock Configuration)
        4. BOOST Switching Clock-Monitor Error (External fSW Clock Configuration)
    8. 11.8  BUCK1, BUCK2, and BOOST Switching-Clock Spread-Spectrum Modulation
    9. 11.9  Monitoring, Protection and Diagnostics Overview
      1. 11.9.1  Safety Functions and Diagnostic Overview
      2. 11.9.2  Supply Voltage Monitor (VMON)
      3. 11.9.3  Clock Monitors
      4. 11.9.4  Analog Built-In Self-Test
        1. ABIST During Power-Up or Start-Up Event
        2. ABIST in the RESET state
        3. ABIST in the DIAGNOSTIC, ACTIVE, and SAFE State
        4. ABIST Scheduler in the ACTIVE State
      5. 11.9.5  Logic Built-In Self-Test
      6. 11.9.6  Junction Temperature Monitors
      7. 11.9.7  Current Limit
      8. 11.9.8  Loss of Ground (GND)
      9. 11.9.9  Diagnostic Output Pin (DIAG_OUT)
        1. Analog MUX Mode on DIAG_OUT
        2. Digital MUX Mode on DIAG_OUT
          1. MUX-Output Control Mode
          2. Device Interconnect Mode
      10. 11.9.10 Watchdog
        1. WD Question and Answer Configurations
        2. WD Failure Counter and WD Status
        3. WD SPI Event Definitions
        4. WD Q&A Sequence Run
        5. WD Question and Answer Value Generation
          1. WD Initialization Events
      11. 11.9.11 MCU Error Signal Monitor
      12. 11.9.12 NRES Driver
      13. 11.9.13 ENDRV/nIRQ Driver
      14. 11.9.14 CRC Protection for the Device Configuration Registers
      15. 11.9.15 CRC Protection for the Device EEPROM Registers
    10. 11.10 General-Purpose External Supply Voltage Monitors
    11. 11.11 Analog Wake-up and Failure Latch
    12. 11.12 Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences
    13. 11.13 Device Fail-Safe State Controller (Monitoring and Protection)
      1. 11.13.1 OFF State
      2. 11.13.2 INIT State
      3. 11.13.3 RESET State (ON Transition From the INIT State)
      4. 11.13.4 RESET State (ON Transition From DIAGNOSTIC, ACTIVE, and SAFE State)
      5. 11.13.5 DIAGNOSTIC State
      6. 11.13.6 ACTIVE State
      7. 11.13.7 SAFE State
      8. 11.13.8 State Transition Priorities
    14. 11.14 Wakeup
    15. 11.15 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
      1. 11.15.1 SPI Command Transfer Phase
      2. 11.15.2 SPI Data Transfer Phase
      3. 11.15.3 Device SPI Status Flag Response Byte
      4. 11.15.4 Device SPI Data Response
      5. 11.15.5 Device SPI Master CRC (MCRC) Input
      6. 11.15.6 Device SPI Slave CRC (SCRC) Output
      7. 11.15.7 SPI Frame Overview
    16. 11.16 Register Maps
      1. 11.16.1 Device SPI Mapped Registers
        1. Memory Maps
          1. SPI Registers
  13. 12Applications, Implementation, and Layout
    1. 12.1 Application Information
    2. 12.2 Typical Application
      1. 12.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 12.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1.  Selecting the BUCK1, BUCK2, and BOOST Output Voltages
        2.  Selecting the BUCK1, BUCK2, and BOOST Inductors
        3.  Selecting the BUCK1 and BUCK2 Output Capacitors
        4.  Selecting the BOOST Output Capacitors
        5.  Input Filter Capacitor Selection for BUCK1, BUCK2, and BOOST
        6.  Input Filter Capacitors on AVIN and VIN_SAFE Pins
        7.  Bootstrap Capacitor Selection
        8.  Internal Linear Regulator (VREG) Output Capacitor Selection
        9.  EXTSUP Pin
        10. WAKE Input Pin
        11. VIO Supply Pin
        12. External General-Purpose Voltage Monitor Input Pins (EXT_VSENSE1 and EXT_VSENSE2)
        13. SYNC_IN Pin
        14. MCU_ERR Pin
        15. NRES Pin
        16. ENDRV/nIRQ Pin
        17. DIAG_OUT Pin
        18. SPI Pins (NCS,SCK, SDI, SDO)
        19. PBKGx, AGND, DGND, and PGNDx Pins
        20. Calculations for Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature
          1. BUCK1 Output Current Calculation
          2. Device Power Dissipation Estimation
          3. Device Junction Temperature Estimation
            1. Example for Device Junction Temperature Estimation
      3. 12.2.3 Application Curves
      4. 12.2.4 Layout
        1. Layout Guidelines
        2. Layout Example
        3. Considerations for Board-Level Reliability (BLR)
    3. 12.3 Power Supply Coupling and Bulk Capacitors
  14. 13Device and Documentation Support
    1. 13.1 Documentation Support
      1. 13.1.1 Related Documentation
    2. 13.2 ドキュメントの更新通知を受け取る方法
    3. 13.3 サポート・リソース
    4. 13.4 Trademarks
    5. 13.5 静電気放電に関する注意事項
    6. 13.6 用語集
  15. 14Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information



Thermal Warning and Shutdown Protection (Monitoring and Protection)

Wide-VIN BUCK regulator integrates a dedicated thermal sense cell with thermal warning and shutdown thresholds. Thermal warning and shutdown are built-in monitoring and self-protection mechanisms that limit junction temperature and help prevent damage due to thermal overstress.

If the junction temperature exceeds the thermal warning level (TWARN_TH), then the BUCK1_OT_WARN status bit is set. If the BUCK1_OT_WARN_IRQ_EN bit is set to 1b and if the ENDRV/nIRQ pin is driven high, then the ENDRV/nIRQ is driven low to interrupt the external MCU.

If the junction temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown level (TSTD_TH_R), the state of the device and BUCK1 regulator depends on the setting of the BUCK1_OT_OFF_EN configuration bit.

If the BUCK1_OT_OFF_EN bit is set to 1b, all of the following occurs:

  • The device goes into the OFF state and all regulators are disabled.
  • The BUCK1_OT_STD status bit is set and latched in the Analog_Latch, (to preserve it) while the device is in the OFF state, and is presented to the system MCU during the next power-up event from the OFF state.

If the BUCK1_OT_OFF_EN bit is set to 0b, all of the following occurs:

  • The BUCK1_OT_STD status bit is set.
  • The BUCK1 regulator, BUCK2 regulator, and BOOST converter are disabled, but the resistive discharge circuit is not enabled.
  • The device goes into the SAFE state.

    Eventually, as the BUCK1 regulator, BUCK2 regulator, and BOOST converter discharges to less than the UV threshold, a global RESET condition is met (as long as one regulator UV event is configured as a RESET event) and the device goes into the RESET state. When the device enters the RESET state, the BUCK1 regulator is enabled again (its default state). After the BUCK1 output exceeds its UV threshold, the BUCK2 regulator is enabled followed by the BOOST converter.

    All the BUCK1 monitoring and protection mechanisms are active and, if any critical condition is still present, the BUCK1 regulator is disabled again. If the BUCK1 regulator never recovers while in the RESET state, the RESET state time-out event puts the device in the OFF state.

  • The ENDRV/nIRQ pin is asserted low.
  • The device error counter increments.

The junction temperature decreases after the BUCK1 regulator is disabled. In the OFF state, the junction temperature monitor is disabled to reduce power dissipation. The junction temperature monitor is enabled again after the device detects a valid wake-up event. The BUCK1 regulator (and the device) can be restarted only when the junction temperature decreases to less than TWARN_TH – TWARN_TH_HYS.

The device error counter and its power-down threshold is a protection mechanism against multiple restarts caused by a persistent failure condition.